Aug 20Liked by Lirpa Strike

I remember having grown up next to the Atlantic and watching American television. For some reason, I used to love watching severe weather warnings. It seemed exciting to me (probably because the worst we had to deal with were squalls and winters with abnormally large snowfalls).

Montel Williams was an irresponsible show, but so were many others if its ilk in the heyday of afternoon talk shows. Especially with Sylvia Browne. I have kind of a chip on my shoulder with these people, because they exploit people with anxiety and OCD (like yourself) and especially mourning, vulnerable people who actually believe these charlatans can help them talk to their dead relatives. For a fee, of course. It’s one of the oldest snake-oil tactics, but, like three-card monte, it still works on the uninitiated.

Good work. I liked this.

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I don't know if you remember, but in 2011, some other guy named Harold Camping "predicted" the end of the world based on some nonsense Bible math and had amassed a ton of followers who believed it with him and had given up their material possessions to follow him. I never followed up to see what those followers did after the world very predictably did not end on that day, but I remember being so angry with him because all I could think of were those kids he was convincing along with their parents, and I thought of myself as that terrified little kid years prior. They are indeed quite predatory, along with the kind of "psychics" that ironically cured my specific fear. Where are those aliens, Sylvia?? lol.

I'm so glad you liked it. Thanks for reading :)

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Aug 20Liked by Lirpa Strike

I know about it. One mother jumped a bridge because of it.

I also remember that Randy Savage died one day before it was to take place, spawning this awesome meme where he was elbow-dropping Jesus.

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Back in the early 1960s we lived in south Minneapolis, and I remember the family waiting out a tornado storm in the basement. One went over our house but didn't touch ground. Seeing one with my own eyes is still a bucket list item.

I lived in Los Angeles from the late 1960s to early 1980s when I moved back to the Twin Cities, and there Mother Nature's big hammer is earthquakes. When I returned to the Midwest, I was uncertain about the powerful thunderstorms. As much as I loved watching a good storm, I'd stand well away from the windows, unplug any important devices, have flashlights ready, etc. It took years for that concern to evaporate, but it did. Nice when a personal monster leaves.

I'm looking forward to the new Twisters movie. I've heard it's good.

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Ooh, how long did it take you to get used to the earthquakes? That's one of my bucket list items, myself. I can't even imagine what it must feel like for the earth to literally shake you like that. It's wild to think about.

It's funny, in addition to the 3 tornadoes my mom slept through, she apparently also slept through a 4-point-something earthquake in California, too, when she and my dad lived there before I was born. The woman could sleep through the literal end of the world, I swear.

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I loved the few I experienced. One woke me up one morning, and I just lay in bed and laughed. I’m fascinated by Mother Nature’s power. And very respectful of it.

That storm fear I had when I moved back here was weird and not like me. The move itself kinda threw me, I think. Big change. It was mostly a fear that lightning would come through the window. Or a big wind would shatter it, and glass would go flying. All those warnings about staying away from windows got under my skin.

But I wanna watch the storm!

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I really understand that. I used to obsess over Nuclear War ages 9-12. I was in NZ of all places...

It would just take a siren or a mushroom shaped cloud to set me off.

Years later I found out that at the time the French were Nuking the pacific on the reg.

So I was picking up the fall out.

Love your writing :)

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Thank you!! From one fellow childhood disaster-phobe to another 😄

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That 2011 tornado destroyed all the trees on Portland Ave…it was so weird driving through there after. I also have that minor fear of bridges after 35w

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