Aug 15Liked by Lirpa Strike

I cheated regularly in high school. My feeling was succesful cheating often taught you more life skills than learning the material.

Of course I'm also not great with authority and rules so that was part of it. Also, I may be an amoral sociopath. Jury's still out on that one.

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I'm pretty ambivalent about cheating in many situations. Dumb tests don't bother me much. Now if someone took a spot at a college because they cheated at their SAT or something, that's a different level that might be different. It's kinda case-by-case for me, like most things.

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Aug 16Liked by Lirpa Strike

Have you ever seen the Denzel Washington crooked cop movie "Training Day"? Denzel's crooked but in a "Ya gotta be a little crooked to keep the streets in line," kinda way. So in one scene he's sitting with a bunch of similair Cops and DA's. One guy talks about a murderer. Says the murderer got his hands on some peanut butter, shoved it in his ass crack, and at the arraignment shoves his hands down his pants pulls out this gooey brown stuff and licks his fingers clean. The judge says "Omg this guy's insane" and sentences him to a hospital, which he'll quickly be released from. Denzel, only half crooked, is no fan of murderers going free but says "Good for him, he knew how to work the system."

This essentially encapsulates my feeling on cheating, at least in things as inconsequential as a high school test or a college term paper or somesuch. (I was not joking about that "possible moral sociopath" remark😅)

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Aug 16Liked by Lirpa Strike

*possibly AMORAL sociopath, I mean. Can't edit my comment on the app, sorry!

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That was awesome. Made me laugh. Thank you.

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That was amazingly excellent! Thank you!

I also cheated exactly once in high school in my Latin class and I still burn with shame at the memory. Like you, it was stupid that I had cheated at all. I didn't get caught though!

I wrote about my shame here:


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There was that time in high school during a civics exam the teacher was called to the office, and while he was gone a student raided his desk for the test answers, found them, and passed them around the class. When passed to me, I just passed it on -- I had strong feelings about not cheating.

Turned out to be a setup. The call to the office was rigged, and the answer sheet in his desk was a fake. Everyone who used those answers failed the test. I definitely got the last laugh on that one!

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That's amazing! 😂

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Yeah, one of those times life hands you a big fat “W”!

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IB! I taught that program at a French lycee in the states and still didn’t learning any French! Thank you for sharing this. Good on you for not cheating as much as the rest of us surely did!!

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Good post.

Adolescent crushes leave a permanent little island of embarrassment in your memory. You can never entirely get it submerge beneath the waves. At least that’s been my experience!

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