Just Saying
Just Saying
Colliding Tornadoes of Manipulation Fantasies
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -2:36:19

Colliding Tornadoes of Manipulation Fantasies

The inaugural Just Saying podcast, maybe!

Lirpa and KryptoGal discuss all the topics du jour!

Disclaimer: Lirpa made the very wise choice to wait to edit and publish this podcast until she went on vacation without having any idea how to use audio editing software, so after much trial and error, it isn’t edited at all.


  • Do we even know how to podcast without a man?

  • Being in our 40s and whether or not it sucks as much as everyone says it does. Do men actually have it worse than women?

  • Mormons have crazy midlife crises, but they’re largely dependent on age, whether you’re married and have kids, and a lot of other factors

  • Friends and family and exes showing up on Substack and the hilarious fear it induces in so many Substackers

  • Our husbands don’t read our newsletters, but they like to hear about Substack drama

  • Being married to military guys after having previous misconceptions about Military Dudes

  • How KryptoGal and Lirpa met their husbands

  • Dating and how long it takes to “become official"

  • Voting by mail, Republicans, and why the post office sucks now

  • The crappy jobs we’ve had and what we’ve learned from them. Do teenagers need jobs to help build character? Why are so few Zoomer teens working part-time these days? Do Zoomers care about the freedom that comes with having their own money and driver’s licenses? Why are crappy jobs so much more tolerable as a teenager than as an adult?

  • Lirpa’s backwards priorities in high school regarding academics vs. sports

  • How Lirpa and KryptoGal handle calling call centers after having worked in too many of them

  • Do non-specialized degrees help or hinder in certain job searches?

  • KryptoGal’s much more adventurous adolescence than Lirpa’s in the 90s and parents these days who track their kids

  • It’s hard to do drugs when you get old, except for weed, which Lirpa explains her undying love for

  • Nicotine addiction is probably the worst one, we agree, as we both vape throughout the podcast

  • Does anyone even smoke anymore? Planning our first cigarettes with friends in high school and trying not to get caught

  • Taking and sending nude pics, then vs. now, and developing them in a one-hour photo lab

  • The increase in Discourse about whether or not women should vote and what gender roles are and should be

  • Will social media end? How has the fragmentation of social media affected us politically and socially?

  • Men and fashion. What looks good? Are fashion-conscious men more jealous and controlling in regards to what their girlfriends wear? KryptoGal makes fun of Lirpa for dating a guy who wore gross pleated Dockers

  • Lirpa’s ex coming out as transgender after they’d been engaged for a year and whether men would be as likely as many women to accept their partners transitioning and stay in the relationship

  • Is female sexuality really as powerful as men think it is? What are the possible consequences of trading on it, especially publicly?

  • Did being flat-chested, boy crazy teenagers affect the way we relate to men in adulthood?

  • Lirpa and KryptoGal’s teenage transformations and how they resembled one of those teenage movies where you just take your glasses off, grow out your hair, and suddenly the boys like you more

  • It’s easier for men and women to be friends once everyone gets married, and if you’re in a relationship with someone who has a lot of opposite-sex friends

  • Of course men and women can be friends, unless you’re one of those guys with the Mike Pence energy

  • Being girlfriend-zoned

  • Not having kids and how it affects friendships and making new friends as an adult, and how it differs across different regions and subcultures (Minneapolis lefties, Utah Mormons, Virginia country folks)

  • Do parents sometimes resent women without children because of their lack of obligations and extra responsibilities?

  • Maybe dogs and cats aren’t real kids, but they make us take fewer vacations

  • Not having kids frees us up to take care of our parents when they age

  • KryptoGal and Lirpa debate whether it would be best to survive an apocalypse or just die

  • Would we still be able to have pets in the end of the world?

  • We inhabit entirely different online universes than our husbands do and know more about incels and the manosphere than they do

  • Zoomer boys need more male role models and strict, annoying male authority figures, especially teachers

  • Is the military the best way to solve the gender wars?

  • We humbly request your feedback!

Essays mentioned:

Radically Pragmatic
On men, relationships, and self-discipline
Background: mutual failings…
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I've had a lot of jobs (part 1)
Stephen Bradford Long recently published a popular Note about the jobs of Substackers. A lot of people chimed in to talk about their own unglamorous jobs, and it’s inspired me to do the same. I am finishing up training in a new field and don’t currently have a job right now, so I decided to talk about all the ones I’ve had before now. As it turns out, there have been a lot …
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Drunk and Disorderly
It was 2015 and I was in yoga teacher training the first time around. On my way home, bored and hungry, I stop at a bar downtown for lunch. Sitting alone at the bar, I glance around at the few patrons there on that early weekday afternoon and I spot him — rather, her. By this point, Kyle had officially become Kyla. She’d come out as transgender in 2007, a year into our relationship, but didn’t transition — or change her pronouns — until after we broke up a year later. She was there with her wife, a woman who looked like she put up with absolutely no shit, which made me happy. Knowing Kyle had changed her name by that point and no longer being as angry as I used to be after so many years had passed, I decided to say hi. I cautiously walked up to the two of them at the pool table where they were playing nearby…
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